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2025 competition update


Updated: Jan 31

[please note: new clarification to the updated diorama/base sizes!]

Those modellers with an eye for detail, and an interest in entering the Competition, will probably by now have noticed that there have been fairly extensive changes to the format of the 2025 competition, mainly in the reduction of number of classes, and to some of the rules. 

To a large extent this has been forced upon us by the show having to contract back to its original one hall format. In recent years we have had the luxury of more space than was always required. As this is no longer the case, and as of course we want still to fit in all of our regular exhibitors and traders, as well as the popular Stash Sale (formerly known as the Kitswap), Make & Take and Tombola, we have decided to hold the 2025 Competition in the upstairs gallery which overlooks the hall. This is not without precedent, the Competition having been held there some years ago.

However, space in the gallery is much more limited, we will only be able to fit in around half the number of tables set out in recent years. Accordingly, we have decided to restrict entrants to a maximum of five models each.

Entrants may submit no more than:

  • 1 diorama per modeller if over A3 (30x42cm) in base size, maximum A2 (42x60cm) size, or

  • 2 dioramas per modeller at a maximum size of A3 each (as part of a five model total).

If your planned diorama is any larger than A2, please contact the Competition Secretary well in advance of the show to discuss whether we may be able to accept it this year. 

You will also note that the number of classes has been reduced. This is so that we do not have to reserve table space for classes which have often had few entries. There is still a class available for any model to enter, but some classes have been merged. The rather outdated and debateable different classes for ‘Out of Box’ and ‘Detailed’ entries are no longer extant.  One new class has been added, for Composite Vehicles, such as loaded tank transporters, as combinations of wheeled/ tracked vehicles has often caused confusion in past years. 

We are also simplifying the entry charge, for the 2025 show Competition entry fee will be £1 per model. 

We trust that all competitors will understand the reasons for these changes, and bear with your organising team this year to see how the new location and format works. If revision proves necessary, we will look again at arrangements for the 2026 show. 

If you intend to enter the Competition, and have any queries or concerns, please contact the Competition Secretary via the contact form on the website, in plenty of time before the show weekend. 

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