Stash sale
Formerly known as the Kit Swap
The Stash Sale is to help fellow modellers recycle some of their once-loved kits into cash, in a central area, set aside for this purpose. Note the name change, it has been felt that the name 'kit swap' was by default confusing to some and that 'Stash Sale' is more in line with the nature of the former kit swap. This allows potential purchasers to seek out cheaper (usually) or sometimes rarer items, and the aisles and exhibitor tables at the Show would not be cluttered with assorted boxes full of second hand kits. The paying public are more interested in seeing displays of built models and not boxes of unbuilt models for sale, on or under the tables.
Some important guidelines - please read carefully. Updated for 2025.
The way the Stash Sale runs is that £2 Entry Fee is taken from each person which allows them to put in a sheet of up to a maximum of 20 items. At the end of the day/weekend a 10% commission is taken off the total amount of items sold by the Stash Sale. This goes towards the running costs of the show. The items can be a mixture of kits, books, magazines and decals. The number of items will be strictly enforced.
Any decal sheets,kits that are part started, damaged or have parts missing must be clearly marked as such.
Any kits, decals, books or magazines which are not marked with initials will NOT be sold.
Any goods offered for sale through the Stash Sale are offered on behalf of the seller and at the seller’s risk.
Any items offered for sale that are left unclaimed at the end of the show will become the property of the Scottish National Model Show and will be offered for sale at future Stash Sales.
Note: We cannot accommodate Traders within the Stash Sale area.
There will hopefully be additional forms available on the day and it is up to the seller to ensure they are properly filled in and legible, these will also be circulated for those wishing to organise their stash clearance in the Stash Sale in advance of the show. The forms must have your full name, initials, brief description of items and your chosen price (to the nearest pound or 50p otherwise it slows up the tallying process). The kit/decal sheet or whatever must have your initial and price on it also so we can identify your item and your price list, otherwise we would not know what belongs to who.
Every item on each list must be physically checked off against the actual items handed in, again this seems obvious, but mistakes can be made on both sides. Overall, keep it clear and make it simple and we will all enjoy the show even more.
While the Stash Sale staff will exercise all reasonable care in their work, all sellers accept that any items unaccounted for at the end of the show were offered for sale at their risk and will not be the subject of any claims for reimbursement or compensation.
Point to consider for Stash Sale items:
The “Fee Paid” and “Staff Initials” boxes must not be filled in by the seller, these are to confirm payment of the Stash Sale entry fee for the sheet entered.
Labels should be on box ends, with prices clearly marked as these are stacked that’s is what purchasers will see.
Any any kits that are incomplete or started must be clearly marked as such and priced accordingly.
Have personal details and sheet item numbers clearly marked on the items/s for sale.
If an item is too highly priced or at collector’s prices it probably won’t sell (Model shows are not collectors fairs).
Consider the price you sell items for, consider what you feel is a fair price but modellers also like a bargain as you are probably well aware.
You have to decide what price to put on an item for it to sell.
Forms are available to download in (.doc) or (.pdf) format.